Grizzly Hills

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Grizzly Hills

The Gaming Corner


The Grizzly Hills, located in southeastern Northrend, is a forested area, surrounded by the Howling Fjord to the south, the Dragonblight to the west and Zul'Drak to the north. It is the homeland of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. Over 20,000 furbolgs live in this zone, most in the large settlement of Grizzlemaw. Both the dwarven settlement of Thor Modan and Ice Troll/Scourge fortress of Drak'Tharon Keep can be found in the north. The main faction bases are Amberpine Lodge for the Alliance and Conquest Hold for the Horde.


Location: Southeastern Northrend






Digital Art – Digital Painting with Photo manipulation elements

                  – Digital hybrid art

Made with Wacom in Photoshop


#digitalart #gamingart #worldofwarcraftart

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Grizzly Hills

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